Friday, April 6, 2018

Adding antenna to the Zvezda Sd Kfz 222

Zvezda's Sd Kfz 222 is a popular kit.  I'm not thrilled with how mine turned out.  Large gaps appeared in the seams and the weathering enamel I applied looks like a bad attempt at dry-brushing.  Thankfully, these were cheap enough for me to just buy new ones and try again.

Everyone loves the Zvezda Sd Kfz 222 kit for it's affordability and detail.  The only drawback is that you can only build a Sd Kfz 222 (the one with the 2cm gun) with it.  

Sd Kfz 222 and Sd Kfz 223 conversion
I decided to convert several of mine into Sd Kfz 223s (MG turret and antenna) for my Panzerspah Company.  Here's how I did it.

Here's what you'll need.  Solder, flux, grabber-holder (or a friend with steady hands and nothing better to do), soldering iron, brass rod, foam block and various other hobby tools.

create a template for the same of the antenna.   Use pliers to bend the rod into the pos

Measure before each bend.  Concentric on keeping each bend going in the same plane.

When you're done, you'll have a long extra tail.
Cut it off.  You're now done with the easy part.
Line you antenna up in the grabber-holders.  This may take awhile to get just right.

Dab some flux on there.  Think of this as thinner for the solder.  It will help it flow were you need it.

Solder it.  Yeah I made that sound simple.  This took me several tries.

Now you have your antenna, but it has the blob of solder on there.  Use a file to remove it.  Be gentile!

Again, this took me a few tries.  I had to go back and redo the solder once or twice.

Look OK, but how do we attack it to the armored car?

Mark on the template where you want the "legs" to go.  Cut four shorter peices of rod.  Don't worry about them all being exactly the same.  Better they are too long than too short.

Place the template on top of the foam and insert the rods as shown.

Gently pull the template up over the rods.  Use the grabber-holder to position the antenna, and foam with legs.  Apply flux, solder and file down smooth.

Now time to add it to the armored car.

Drill some holes into the body.  Make some slight bends in the legs of the antenna to fit in the holes.  Don't worry about glue.  If you attach it this way it will hold itself in place.

You can probably tell which one was the first attempt...

"What about the turret?"  I hear you ask.  I made a mold of a 15mm MG turret and used a piece of rod for the machine-gun.  Honesty, I'm not sure how it will look once painted.  Another option I've seen people do is to just use the larger 2cm gun turret with the main gun removed.

It should also be noted there are some subtle differences between these and an actual Sk Kfz 223.  The body is a little different and there is another smaller "ring antenna" on the body.  To be honest, if I had to do it all again, I think I would just go find the old BF kit, even if the antenna is way to chunky looking.

I'm not sure how these will look once they're painted up.  Guess we'll see in a month or so when I get back home and get around to them.

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