Friday, March 29, 2019

Flames of War: DAK Panzer IIIs and Italian infantry

Things have been busy IRL, but I've managed to complete a couple more things for my MW DAK list.

First up is a platoon of Panzer III (5cm short). 

When I originally started my DAK force in V3, it was based around a core of 10 Panzer IVs I painted up.  Unfortunately, these are not a viable list in V4. 

These are the PSC kit.  I've painted up 3 as the "H" model and 2 as the "F".  This doesn't make any different in MW, but might if we ever get back to the Early War period. 

I painted these up using modulation.  I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.  Subtle.  In my opinion, most people overdo the modulation effect. 

Next up is a group of Italian Infantry. 

I tried to bring my photography game up to speed with my painting with these.  I used two different lamps for lighting and a blank sheet of printer paper for a back ground.  It seems to have made them stand out a little better, I think.

In total there is 1x Command team, 4x MG teams, 4x rifle teams, 1x HMG team, and 1x AT rifle team.  This is the contents of one blister each of the rifle platoon and weapons platoon.

This is enought to field a full strength rifle platoon (1x command and 8x rifle/MG teams)

...or a weapons platoon without the AT gun(1x command, 2x MG teams, 1 HMG team, 1x AT rifle team)

Other picture dump...

Tried one with the flash on

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Star Wars Legion: Rebel Troopers

Just another squad of rebel troopers.  I made generous use of Warhammer 40k bits to relieve the monotony of painting the same seven miniatures over and over again.